NCIM Membership
Membership in the National Council of Industrial Meterologists (NCIM) shall be limited to those individuals, associations, partnerships, corporations or other organizations engaged. or otherwise possessing a vital interest in, the practice of consulting or industrial meteorology for profit, and having the capabilities and resources necessary for serving industry, commerce, and/or specialized needs of the public.There are 4 types of membership to NCIM. For more information about each category of membership, please read below.
Consultant Membership
Qualifications on the basis of knowledge:
        a. Graduation from an accredited university or college with successful completion of academic
courses in meteorology, or in the affiliated atmospheric science discipline, which satisfactorily
meet the standards set by NCIM’s Committee on Admissions; and
        b. Current certification by the American Meteorological Society (AMS) as a Certified Consulting
Qualifications on the basis of proficiency:
        a. A minimum of at least five years of work at the professional level.
               i. Substitution of a post-graduate degree below the doctorate level is permitted for not
more than one year of experience.
               ii. Substitution of the doctorate for not more than two years is permitted.
Qualifications on the basis of proficiency:
        a. A minimum of at least five years of work at the professional level.
               i. Substitution of a post-graduate degree below the doctorate level is permitted for not
more than one year of experience.
               ii. Substitution of the doctorate for not more than two years is permitted.
Qualifications on the basis of integrity:
        a. NCIM’s Committee on Admissions will conduct such investigation as it deems appropriate to
assure it that the applicant possesses those traits of integrity consistent with the corporation’s
Code of Ethics (the applicant’s record of professional work will serve the Committee as a primary
means of evaluating his or her integrity).
Qualifications on the basis of time devoted to practice:
        a. Consultant members shall devote not less than thirty percent (30%) of their professional time to
the practice of consulting.
A newly-elected Consultant Member shall not qualify to vote or in any other manner participate in the business of this corporation until the Member has paid his or her dues as provided in these By-laws.
$200 / year
Associate Membership
Associate Members shall be members who do not qualify as Consultant Members but who are on a career track, which is directed toward Consultant Member status. Associate Members shall apply for Consultant Member status following their eligibility for Consultant Member status and in no case can any member be an Associate Member for more than 5 years. Associate Members are not eligible to vote on matters of Council business, but are allowed to participate freely in all discussions and to serve on any permanent or ad-hoc committee established by the Council.
Associate Members can include individuals who meet either of the following two criteria:
1. Current students or recent graduates who plan to pursue a career, which will ultimately qualify them as Consultant Members
2. University, Government or private sector employees who wish to ultimately pursue a career, which would qualify them as Consultant Members.
$75 / year
Affiliate Membership
Affiliate Members shall be members who do not necessarily (“may or may not”) qualify as Consultant or Associate Members, but whose professional activities constructively intersect with the activities of the climate and weather enterprise and whose membership in the NCIM would be of mutual benefit to both. There is no time limit on the status of an Affiliate Member. Affiliate Members are not eligible to vote on matters of Council business, but are allowed to participate freely in all discussions and to serve on any permanent or ad-hoc committee established by the Council.
$75 / year
Retired/Emeritus Membership
Retired (or Emeritus) Members shall be limited to those individual Consultant Members who have retired from full-time practice and who engage in consulting not more than approximately 25 percent of full-time.
$75 / year